Today was the first day that I saw any Canadian geese, which means its getting colder. I also saw a few dead geese floating in the river. I'm not sure what kind of animal would attack them and leave the bodies, but something killed them and didn't eat them.
There was a distinct change in the river today as well. There were huge piles of driftwood caught at various points in the river, and I also noticed a few rocky dams sticking out in the river. These dams seem natural, and only portion off a part of the river, so I can still easily pass, but they would be a bigger problem in lower water conditions. I also saw a few people fishing off of them. They make the river a bit more exciting for me, since it is almost like a mini section of rapids just downstream of them.
There are no landmarks near where I am camping, so I'm just calling it the side of the river for the destination.
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