Saturday, August 27, 2011

Mississippi River Day 4 (Fox Trap Landing, 41.9 miles)

Today I slept in till 11 and had a very relaxing morning. The maps called for rapids, but I didn't see anything that was really troubling at all today. I saw a couple turtles and an otter around noon. I decided for an afternoon break at Bears Den Landing, but the place was trashed with garbage everywhere, which was really annoying. I was about to leave when a mini-van showed up, and three locals got out. They were planning on fishing, but the garbage was annoying them to, so they started to pick everything up. The third one asked me what I was doing, and we talked about how it was a lifelong dream of his to do the Mississippi. All three were nice to talk to, and they carried most of the conversation by themselves. They were slightly drunk, which definitly helped them talk, and they jumped from topic to topic.

The view from Bears Den was extremely nice, so I took some pictures before I left, planning on heading on to the next campsite. I only made it about a mile to the next campsite before it started drizzling, so I stopped there for the night at Fox Trap Landing. Again, it was an extremly nice view, since the shelter was up a ways on a hill. I got a fire going pretty quick so I was able to cook dinner, and then about a half hour later I heard a noise coming up the hill. I figured it was just some little animal, when a bear decided to poke its head up from the brush and look at me. I was too slow to grab my camera, but the bear was pretty close. There was also a fellow hanger in the shelter with me, since a bat had also decided to call my hammocking spot its home.

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