Friday, March 15, 2013

FLT Day 10: Bainbridge 10.3 miles

This morning I dealt with the worst possible combination: wet socks and a frozen boot. Almost immediately after putting the boot on I could feel the sock freezing to the boot, and not moving with my skin anymore. Fortunately it melted quickly. I also knew I was in for a shorter day, which made it

Even though I was only going about ten miles I still managed to posthole into frozen water a few times. It was also starting to snow a bit more, with wet snow that sticks to everything.

By the time I got to Bainbridge I was ready to call it quits. Fortunately I had arranged a meeting with Chenango, so I just had to email him and a bit later he came to my rescue and brought me to his house for the night.

A nice warm shower, clean laundry, and rest. We even ended up going out for Italian food, and I'm ashamed to say I didn't live up to the hiker hunger expectations. There was still a bit of food on my plate when we left. My excuse is that I had filled up on junk food in Bainbridge waiting for Chenango.

The weather forecast for the next couple of days is supposed to be pretty cold, but I'm going to be taking advantage of several leantos in the area, which helps.

We also figured out a way for Chenango to hike a bit with me, so that will be nice for both of us.

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