Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mississippi River Day 86 (Mile #836, 1491.7 miles)

Today started off really bad. After I broke camp I was coming down a hill a little ways to the boat, which I saw was tied up but still adrift. I also saw a barge passing by. By the time I got to the bottom of the hill the wake from the barge had completely swamped my boat, with really cold water.

After that the day did get better, with a slight tailwind for most of the day. I stopped in town at 15 miles to hit the library of Caruthersville. Towns are getting farther apart, and libraries are harder to get to, so updates are going to be less frequent. While in town I also stocked up, since the grocery was right next to the library, and I figured I could load up on supplies a bit.

On the way back to the boat ramp a guy stopped and asked me for directions to the casino. Since I had seen the casino boat just downstream I was actually able to give him directions, even though I told him I wasn't from around there. He asked me what I was doing, etc. He then concluded "That ****'s dangerous" and drove off.

I found a nice sandy campsite for the night, and enjoyed a clear night of stars. The really bad part of the day is that I think I'm coming down with a couple patches of poison ivy.

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